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Hello! I am Danielle Luczak of A Wandering Gypsy Co. est. 2019. I work out of my home studio near Atlanta, GA and have been creating jewelry since 2010. My designs are inspired by nature and usually incorporate natural elements. I grew up near the Atlantic Ocean so beachy boho designs are my favorite. I enjoy learning new techniques and have found a new passion for wire wrapping. I love sharing my work and inspiring others and have been published in both BeadStyle and Bead and Button magazines. I am on all social media and can usually be found sharing a tip or cheering on a fellow maker. I am really excited to have this opportunity to work with Jesse James Beads and to create beautiful designs with their amazing bead mixes and the unique beads they offer. 


My social links and website are:









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Easy DIY Herringbone Wire Wrapped Jewelry Tutorial

Easy DIY Herringbone Wire Wrapped Jewelry Tutorial

The amazing Jem Hawkes is back and she’s going to show us how to very simply use the herringbone style wrap for wire work in your jewelry. This technique can be made more complex or kept quite simple- it’s up...

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Hematite Year of the Snake Bracelet DIY with Deb Floros

Hematite Year of the Snake Bracelet DIY with Deb Floros

Follow along with Deb Floros and learn how to create an easy yet elegant snake-inspired necklace using seed beads, hematite beads, and one of our signature snake clasps! For this project you will need TOHO 11/0 sized seed beads and...

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Herringbone Wire-Wrapped Bracelet Tutorial with Jem Hawkes

Herringbone Wire-Wrapped Bracelet Tutorial with Jem Hawkes

In this video, designer Jem Hawkes is here to share how to create a herringbone-wrapped bead. This wire-working technique can take some practice - but she'll help you through and you'll be ready to DIY in no time! This technique...

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