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Jem Hawkes is back and here to show us how to create an elegant looking wire-wrapped bracelet featuring Jesse James Bead Strands featuring Dakota Stones. Dakota Stones are high quality natural stone beads perfect for adding a gemstone touch to any design. Today Jem will be showing us an intermediate level wire-wrapping technique perfect for new wire-wrappers who want to challenge themselves. Once mastered this wrap can be used to create beautiful links that can come together to create a necklace, bracelet, or more.

Today Jem will be using beads from the Amethyst Eclipse bead strand. We'll also be taking a peek at the Cotton Candy Sunrise and the Moonlit Stroll bead strands. All of these strands feature 8-10mm sized round Dakota Stones beads. We recommend the rounds to start but once you grow more experienced this technique can be used on different shapes of beads.

Check out the step by step tutorial below to get started:

What You'll Need:

18 Gauge Wire
20 Gauge Wire
Jesse James Beads Bead Strand Featuring Dakota Stones (Or Bead Mix if you want to create a larger focal)
Round Nose Pliers
Flat Nose Pliers
Chain Nose Pliers
Flush Cutter

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Thank you so much for joining us for another fabulous jewelry making video tutorial. Stay tuned for more beading education. We release new tutorials every week! 

All Heart, 
Your Friends at Jesse James Beads

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