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1st JJB Wine & Beads Event!

Join Jesse James Beads for our first ever wine tasting and jewelry making event. This virtual event will be held via Zoom on May 6, 2021 at 7pm EST. Signups end on April 23, 2021. This event was designed to celebrate everything we've overcome as a community! A virtual party with delicious wine and fabulous beads

On Thursday, May 6, we will gather together online to taste two delicious wines from Scout and Cellar, and create wine glass charms and earrings. An expert from the winery will be with us to conduct the tasting and answer questions, then once we've tasted and enjoyed we will set to creating! All supplies for this project will be included with your bead kit, just add tools! 

To participate, you need to purchase your bead kit and then purchase your wine. Once both are purchased, send the order numbers to hello@jessejamesbeads.com to be added to the attendee list. You will be emailed the zoom link to join the meeting with your fellow makers and wine tasters.


Q: When is the event?
A: Our Wine & Beads event takes place on May 6th at 7pm EST!

Q: Do I need to purchase both kits to participate.
A: Correct. You can purchase your bead kit here. You will also need to purchase your wine kit here and send both order confirmation numbers to Jesse James Beads to be added to the guest list.

Q: Can I split the wine with a friend if we both have a bead kit?
A: Yes! You can bead with friends. If you and your friend both purchase a bead kit you can split the cost of the wine kit. Just email us to let us know your plan!

Q: What does the kit include?
A: The bead kit includes 6 bead mixes (From the Self Love Butterfly Release collection), and all the findings including wine rings, headpins and jump rings. The wine kit includes 2 bottles of wine and a tasting card wrapped up in a beautiful gift box.

Ready to sign up or have more questions? Contact us at hello@jessejamesbeads.com or send us a text if you've opted in to text messaging.

All Heart, 
Sarah James
& Your Friends at Jesse James Beads


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