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Today Brittany Chavers will be showing us how to make a beautiful leather bracelet using some of the leather and beads from the June 2023 Howdy Howdy Howdy Magical Mystery Bead Box. We will also be making a quick set of earrings using components in the box to match the bracelet. We will embellish our leather cord with metal components from the box to add extra bling to our bracelet.

We will also be using the large turquoise bead from the bead strand as our focal for this bracelet. For our earrings, we will be using some Beadalon German Style wire paired with a few of our beads and charms from the bead box.

What You'll Need:

Beads  Components Tools
June 2023 Magical Mystery Bead Box - Howdy Howdy Howdy Eye Pins Glue (E6000 or Loctite Recommended)
Ear Wire Toothpick (to help spread glue, Recommended)
Beadalon 22 Gauge German Style Wire Cutting Tool
Round Nose Pliers
Bent Nose Pliers

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Thank you so much for joining us for another fabulous jewelry-making video tutorial. Stay tuned for more beading education. We release new tutorials every week!

All Heart,

Your Friends At Jesse James Beads

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