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In case you missed it, 14 new mixes will be available to purchase starting tomorrow! Check out our newest lineup of Design Elements, Inspirations, and Mini Mixes!


Airy Blue Design Elements

Light and ethereal, this heaven-sent mix features sky blue and periwinkle beads paired with delicate silver findings.


Blackberry Baby Mini Mix

Luxe jet black crystals meet silver cage beads and rhinestone clusters in this micro mashup.



Blueberry Pie Mini Mix

Every slice of this mini mix pie is utterly delectable! Velvet coated beads, suede tassels, teardrop crystals...you can't resist!



Lucky Cat Design Elements

You'll feel lucky to have this mix in your bead collection! Gilded blue boho beads play with rich red hues for the perfect China-inspired pairings.



Midnight Dreamscape Design Elements

No, you're not dreaming! This blend of purple, grey, black, and navy is as real as it gets!



Spiced Raisin Design Elements

Journey into bliss with this mix, featuring chocolate rosette tassels and antique gold accents.



Spiced Raisin Inspirations

Hollow filigrees and perfect blooms sparkle alongside jet black crystals for the perfect winter blend.



Storm Front Design Elements

Storm's a-brewin' in this design elements mix featuring pearly beads and black and white boho beads!



Urban Bronze Design Elements

Bronze, brass, gold, and copper elements meet earth tone beads and tassels in a unique metallic fusion.



Vibrant Iris Flower Mini Mix

So bright, you'll need shades! Shocking purple dominates this tiny mix of tassels, crystals, charms, and other JJB faves.


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DIY Floral Beaded Sunlight Catcher with Jem Hawkes

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DIY Ombre Bracelet Duo with Joee Balestrieri

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DIY Lovely Boho Beaded Necklace with Deb Floros

DIY Lovely Boho Beaded Necklace with Deb Floros

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