I love the style of geometric dangle earrings, and absolutely adore the cool new polygon Geo Space Cage Beads that JJB has! I’ve never seen anything like these wire frame little wonders, and they got my imagination wondering! This geometric dangle earring design came to my mind immediately when playing with the cage beads. I hope you enjoy the tutorial as much as I enjoyed putting it together!

Start by cutting a 4-in. (10 cm) length of knitted wire and a 1.5-ft. length of Fireline thread. String the knitted wire through the smaller, triangular holes of the small geo space cage bead.

Attach a SilverSilk double-strand end cap by inserting the ends of the knitted wire into the slots of the end cap, then gently pressing the cap shut with a pair of chain nose pliers.

Thread a beading needle* and go through the top left knitted wire, pick up one size 8 seed bead, then go through the right knitted wire. The seed bead should nest between the knitted wires. Leave about half of your working thread as the tail thread. *Beginner Tip: When threading a beading needle, typically
what I suggest to do is place a bead stopper about 6 inches from the very end and stitch with just the one thread. Double the thread over about a few inches to stitch your beads; you will use this to tie the knot at the end of one side of bead stitching. 
Pick up another seed bead and go down through the knitted wire in the same hole as where the thread exits.

Repeat the same stitch and continue randomly sewing seed beads onto the knitted wire.

When you reach about 1-in. (2.5 cm) into the knitted wire, stop sewing seed beads. Go through the knitted wire, without a seed bead, to make a small loop.

Wrap the loop a few times around the beading needle, then pull tight to create a knot.

The knot should be secure on one of the knits of the knitted wire. Sew the remaining thread into the knitted wire and trim the excessive thread. Repeat steps 4–7 for the other side of the knitted wire, so that it is symmetrical to the already-stitched side. Attach an earring hook to finish the first earring, and make a second to complete the geometric dangle earring set!

Now you have a fabulous pair of geometric trend earrings to wear with a sassy outfit! Tune in again! I’ll have another project for you next month!! But until then, happy beading! Nealay www.nealaypatel.com *** Love Nealay's Polygon Perfection Earring Project? Get the kit exclusively at JesseJamesBeads.com!
Click here to get everything you need to make this trendy geometric dangle earring project

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