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Bead Fest Spring Jewelry Tutorials - Jesse James Beads and Candie Cooper Bead Fest is nearly here! We at Jesse James Beads are so excited for this season's Bead Fest. We are once again heading up the Beginner Classroom with designing mogul, Candie Cooper at the helm. Get ready, this year's Bead Fest is about to be one for the ages. If you are interested in learning a few new tricks then make sure to get on the roster for the Jesse James Beads Bead Fest classes this Spring. Some of the skills Candie will be teaching - leather riveting, bead making and metal hammering, just to name a few. Here's a peek at a few of the Jesse James Beads and Candie Cooper classes offered at Bead Fest Spring 2016. Click through the links to join us in class! And hurry quick, space is limited [caption id="attachment_1581" align="aligncenter" width="600"]How to Make Hammered Metal Jewelry - Learn to make metal jewerly with Candie Cooper and Jesse James Beads at Bead Fest Bead FestClass 699 - "Making Metal Fringe, Pendant and Earring Set"[/caption] Love the look of metal?Learn to hammer your own fringe in this new class from Candie Cooper and Jesse James Beads. Walk away with a fashion forward necklace and earring set in colors perfect for Spring and Summer wearing

Reserve Your Space for the Making Metal Fringe Class

[caption id="attachment_1583" align="aligncenter" width="600"]Bead Fest Class 696, "Happy Go Lucky Bracelet" Bead Fest Class 696, "Happy Go Lucky Bracelet"[/caption] Making memories, making memory wire bracelets. This bracelet is full of personal expression and can be recreated in about a million different colorways. Textured beads, funky fiber, tassels and charms make this bracelet making class a Bead Fest win. Make this fabulous bracelet and learn design skills to last a lifetime for just $35, all materials included

Make memories with us - Join the Happy Go Lucky Bracelet Class today

[caption id="attachment_1584" align="aligncenter" width="600"]How to make leather jewelry - how to stich leather - how to rivet leather - New Bead Fest class by Jesse James Beads and Candie Cooper Bead Fest Class 698, "Stitch, Rivet, Layer: Make Bracelets You Can Wear Together"[/caption] Leather and metal and sparkle - oh my! Learn the basics of how to rivet leather and how to stitch leather. Beautiful quality leather provided by LeatherCord USA and charms from the incredible TierraCast, and beads and connectors from your homegirls are JesseJamesBeads.com

This class will sell out - Reserve your space at the Stitch, Rivet, Layer leather class today!


This is just a sampling of the fun classes we are offering at Bead Fest Spring, April 8-10 in Oaks, PA. We'll post more classes on the blog soon! In the mean time, do visit the Bead Fest Class Registration page and find a class or two that suits your fancy. Can't wait to see you all in the Spring! Have an Inspiring Evening! Sarah James www.jessejamesbeads.com

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