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Worthy of a King's tomb, this necklace includes a stone connector made special using pieces from the Egyptian Goddess Mini Bead Mix. Learn the simple hack of attaching a bead cap to a surface for an unexpectedly gorgeous drop effect. Grab your materials and take 15 minutes to create this unique necklace!



What You'll Need:

Ocean Abyss Stone Connector

SilverSilk Gold 8 Needle Flat Chain

Egyptian Goddess Mini Bead Mix (note: mix has been redesigned and may not include all bead styles used in this tutorial. Try mixing it up for your own unique style!)

Gold Toggle Clasp (try the Market Spice Toggle Clasp Set)

Gold Wire (to create bottom dangle. See the Fitted Nile Basket Bracelet tutorial to learn the simple loop technique for connecting components.)

Xuron Double Flush Cutters

Round-Nose Pliers

E6000 glue


Egyptian Goddess Mini Bead Mix

The Egyptian Beads in this collection were inspired by the lapis blues and the ancient Egyptian Underworld. Let this mix serve as your guardian and inspire you to give birth to a new project.

SilverSilk Gold 8 Needle Flat Chain

This beautiful gold chain is designed like a knitted wire. This chain contains several thin strands of 32 gauge silver plated, non tarnish 99.9% pure copper wire that is tightly and evenly knitted then rolled flat.

Ocean Abyss Stone Connector

This large ocean blue stone connector is wrapped in golden metal. These connectors pair well with any of our Egyptian Goddess beads.  


How will you style your new necklace? Share photos of yours with us on Facebook, Instagram, and our inbox...we'd love to see how you made this necklace your own! Stay tuned for more tutorials and inspirations from Nealay Patel and JJB.


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