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Jenifer Miller is showing us how to create this adorable and easy bracelet using beads and components from the first frost bead box! For this tutorial, we will be using the cold snap chain and the Icy Elderberries single-style bead strand from the box. You will also need some chain nose pliers, bent chain nose pliers, flush cutters, and round nose or bail-making pliers. We will also be using some 20 gauge wire. We will also need some headpins and jump rings.

To get started we are going to determine the length of the chain that we want. The chain available in the First Frost box features chain will collectors in between each link, making it easy to adjust the length of your bracelet. You can add an extender to your bracelet using a few jump rings to make the bracelet more adjustable, this is a great feature to add to a bracelet that can be given as a gift.

Thank you so much for joining us for another fabulous jewelry-making video tutorial. Stay tuned for more beading education. We release new tutorials every week!

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Your Friends At Jesse James Beads

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