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Today we're going to be creating using the April 2023 Magical Mystery Bead Box: Stories of the Sea. We're going to learn how to wire-wrap a seaworthy anklet, perfect for the beach or by the pool this Summer!

We will be going over some simple wire-wrapping techniques step-by-step as we build our bracelet. We'll be going over how to make simple loops, wire-wrapped links, decorative spirals, simple S-clasp, and how to wrap a simple bar focal piece.

What You'll Need:

Beads Components  Tools
Magical Mystery Bead Box in Stories from the Sea 18 Gauge Wire Stepped Bail Making Pliers
Chain Reaction Chain Nose Pliers
Round Nose Pliers
Cutter Tool

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Thank you so much for joining us for another fabulous jewelry-making video tutorial. Stay tuned for more beading education. We release new tutorials every week!

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Your Friends At Jesse James Beads

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