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Deb Floros is showing us how to make a beautiful Necklace featuring some glass beads from the Coastal Cottage Collection. Deb is tapping into some New England inspiration with these bright sandy colors. The main focal of this necklace is the dangle of beautiful beaded chains surrounding the focal floral beads. Deb creates the perfect dangled chain accent to create that movement in your necklace design.

We recommend adding seed beads and beading wire to this necklace to create some beautiful contrast to your Coastal Cottage faceted glass beads. Deb used gold stringing wire and TOHO 11/0 seed beads for this project, you can mix and match to find your own ideal color palette.

The best part about this DIY project is that you can choose your own focal beads and glass beads to create a unique piece. You can customize the color of your Faceted glass, use bohos instead of those rose beads, or swap out any component to make it your own. Check out the Coastal Cottage collection for inspiration!

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Your Friends At Jesse James Beads

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