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Are You an American Rebel?

From the founding fathers to the people of today, America was created by rebels.

The ones who don't accept the status quo.
The ones who stand up for what's right.
The dreamers and do-ers in all of us.

That's the strength We The People are made of.
Are you an American Rebel too?

Jesse James Beads is joining the mission to support the children and their families separated at our country's southern borders. From now through Monday June 24, 10% of your purchase at JesseJamesBeads.com will be donated to the American Civil Liberties Union and their fight for our present Family Separation Crisis. Click here for more info on the ACLU and where to donate here. 

No child should have to endure the frightening experience of being separated from their family. Making a stand for a law at the expense of an impressionable child's life is unacceptable. We love our brothers and sisters of all colors, we are one in this human race. We are strong. We are unified. We are American Rebels


Shop limited edition American Rebel Bead Mixes. 10% of your purchases from 6/22-24 will be donated. Thank you for tuning in. Thank you for your support

The American Rebel Mega Mix

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The American Rebel Swanky Tassel Set

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The American Rebel Tassel & Pom Set

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DIY Floral Beaded Sunlight Catcher with Jem Hawkes

DIY Floral Beaded Sunlight Catcher with Jem Hawkes

Kick off National Craft Month with this adorable wire-wrapped blueberry pie-flavored sun catcher. This adorable floral design is brought to life using the Market Fresh Mini Bead Mix in Blueberry Pie, 18-gauge round wire, 24-gauge round wire, stepped bail-making pliers,...

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DIY Ombre Bracelet Duo with Joee Balestrieri

DIY Ombre Bracelet Duo with Joee Balestrieri

Joee Balestrieri joins us today for her first video tutorial with Jesse James Beads! She will be teaching us how to create a pair of bracelets that go wonderfully together or apart. For this project, we will be diving into...

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DIY Lovely Boho Beaded Necklace with Deb Floros

DIY Lovely Boho Beaded Necklace with Deb Floros

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