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Make Jewelry with Jesse James Beads!

How-To Jewelry: Paint The Roses Red Necklace

How-To Jewelry: Paint The Roses Red Necklace

Stop and smell the roses on this gothic dangle necklace. Featuring beads from the Red Queen Mix and Feelin' Rosy Beads in Gothic Romance. Follow along in the video below Sara Ellis shows us how to make this simple DIY...

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How-To Jewelry Tutorial: Cunning Snake Lariat

How-To Jewelry Tutorial: Cunning Snake Lariat

Flaunt your guile and charm with this necklace featuring a fun silver snake pendant, a pair of custom-dyed JJB boho beads, and vintage Czech glass from our School of Magic Cunning Snake Mix. Follow along with Sara Ellis as she...

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Maker Mysteries: Episode #1

Maker Mysteries: Episode #1

Join professional jewelry designer, instructor, influencer and on-air personality, Sara Ellis as she tells a tale of murder and mystery during the Maker Mystery Series. Each Week Sara will be combining her love of jewelry-making and true crimes and mysteries on...

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