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Bead Strand in Apricot Delight
Bead Strand in Hopeless Romantic
Bead Strand in Old World Weavers
Bead Strand in Skinny Evil Eye
Bead Strand in Wednesday
Evil Eye Pendant in Secret Society
Enchanted Garden Headpin Set
Fan Tassel Pair in Tampa Bay
Fulfill your own prophecy with the Norse Goddess of Motherhood and Prophecy. This bead mix was inspired by the Goddess Frigg, known for her strength and intuition. Inspired by the warmth, this bead mix features a warm blend of creams, whites, golds, and a touch of brown. Each mix contains rhinestone boho beads, mini boho beads, gold leaf charms, non-vegan pom poms. Largest bead measures 22mm x 21mm x 8.5mm. Smallest bead measures 10mm x 2mm.
Goddess Inspiration Bead Mix in Pele

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