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Coffee Bean Bead Mix from Jesse James Beads
Blueberry Pie Bead Mix from Jesse James Beads
Blackberry Baby Bead Mix from Jesse James Beads
Bing Cherry Bead Mix from Jesse James Beads
Mini Bead Mix in Avocado on E'rything
Bead Mix in Lobster Fest
Bead Strand in Shanghai Roses
Bead Strand in Oceans Seven
Bead Strand in Beachside Vacation
Spa Day Bead Mix
Bead Strand in Blueberry Patch
Bead Strand in Apricot Delight
Bring your Spring designs to life with this gorgeous Daisy Chain Bead Mix. Sparkly faceted glass, tiny enamel daisies and ladybug charms, lampwork, and custom metals will brighten up your designs with a touch of florall flair. Go ahead, make something special for yourself or someone you love! Mix container measures 2.7 x2.85 x 0.6 inches. 1 mix per order. Largest bead measures 15.5mm. Smallest bead measures 2mm.
Golden Elephant Bead Strand

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